Water Heater Services in Nebraska

Lincoln * Omaha * North Bend

and surrounding areas!

Need Water Heater Service in Nebraska?

The name Nebraska means "shallow water or broad water" in the local indigenous language thanks to the local rivers that supply the area with water. When you need water heater repair in Nebraska, contact your local professionals at: U.S. Water Heating Solutions.

We offer a variety of residential water heater services in Lincoln, Omaha, North Bend, and many other cities, thanks to our local technicians.

Haven't heard of us before? We are an Illinois-based company that hires water heater repair technicians who live and work in their respective states. All of our service technicians are employed by U.S. Water Heating Solutions (not a third party) and work remotely, repairing and replacing water heaters with the help of their service vans.

Water Heater Services in Omaha, Nebraska

Residential Water Heater Repair in Omaha, North Bend, and Beyond

When your water heater stops working, it can save money to repair your water heater instead of replacing it (depending on the diagnosis). Our water heater techs in Nebraska will diagnose the problem for you than help you determine the best course of action. We may be able to get your water heater up and running again with a replacement part from our service vehicles which are stocked with an array of the most commonly replaced parts.

Residential Water Heater Warranty Services

If your water heater still falls under warranty, we can point you in the right direction to file your warranty claim. As a service provider for many of the largest manufacturers in the industry (including Rheem, Ruud, Bradford White, and A.O. Smith), you can schedule a repair appointment with us after the manufacturer approves the warranty and sends you the necessary parts.

Residential Water Heater Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance involves an inspection of your water heater as well as a flush,  which will clean the inside of the device

Both tankless and tank-type units require regular preventative maintenance roughly only a year in order for them to run as efficiently as possible for as long as possible.

Residential Water Heater Installation

For new construction or when a water heater breaks down, homeowners need water heater installation. Use this opportunity to pick the best water heater for your home and your family.


Alternatively, we can replace the old water heater with a similar water heater to ensure a simple water heater replacement


Give us a call today at 833-879-4776 or request a quote to learn more!

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